Free Wind Load Calculators – DEMOs



Free wind load calculators.
Demonstration versions for ASCE 7 Wind Load Calculator.

Play with the provided DEMO ASCE 7 Wind Load Calculators to see how easy it is to use.

You don’t need to be an engineer to get wind load pressures.

Additionally, you don’t need to wait to get them from an engineering firm or have to pay the high cost to obtain them from an engineering firm. The cost of one program (that can calculate multiple wind load pressures) is cheaper than the cost of an engineering firm charging you for one project!

We have been providing this type of program for 23 years and helping thousands of people get through the permit department process.


DEMO Calculators provided are for components and cladding wind load pressures:
1) ASCE 7, Walls (windows, doors, storm shutters)
2) ASCE 7, Roofs (flat, gable, hip, monoslope, sawtooth, multispan)
3) ASCE 7, Signs (ground & elevated, footing requirements)

Positive and negative wind load pressures for all wall openings where windows, shutters, doors, and garage doors, etc. will be located.

Also provides all positive and negative wind load pressures for any type of roof.

Provides all wind load pressures applied to ground/elevated signs.
Also provides the footing requirements based on the sign’s wind load output.

Free online wind load calculators

Microsoft Excel


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