Why Wind Load Solutions
The number 1 reason is we have over 22 years of experience with ASCE 7 wind load calculations.
We are online! Get results anywhere. On site or on the go.
Purchasing options to suit your needs.
Accessible on multiple devices. Whenever you need to calculate wind load pressures, you can have them accessible anytime from anywhere. Access WindLoad.Solutions from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. You're not tied to your office chair. Run calculations in the field, in a meeting, at the permit department, etc.
Components & Cladding (C&C) are provided, per the ASCE 7 publication.
Permit Departments have been know to verify pressures with our software.
Our program is extremely user friendly where it guides you along the way with helpful instructions and references from the ASCE 7 publication.
We have video instructions available.
All formulas and variables are automatically calculated for you and provided with the program.
Since we are online, we can do real-time seasons where we can work on your project together.
We provide you with all the wind velocity maps & an online Velocity Finder to identify the wind speed in MPH for your structure's specific location.
We provide a catalog of all the walls and roof diagrams you need so you do not need to flip back and forth with the ASCE 7 book.
We have been evolving together with the every changing and improving ASCE 7 wind loads and requests of permitting departments. This is because we listen to our customers. If you have any suggestions, please tell us.